Why Our Hive Products
Made in the USA- Our hive products come from a remote location in the Amarugia Highlands of Cass County Missouri. Most honey on the market today often contains illegal antibiotics or chemicals.
No plastic- When we use foundation, we only use foundation made from bees that are from a remote mountainous region far from any potential pesticides in Spain. Using bee-built comb allows the propolis from the cells to end up in our honey while providing better protection against germs for the bee larva. Our hive products never touch plastic when we process them from the hive and are stored in stainless steel or glass.
Local Bees- We use local bees that we catch in our bee traps as they are already adapted to the weather and local diseases. Also, maintaining the local stock is of major importance for our sustainability values.
No sugar- When it comes to feeding our bees we see that the only suitable feed is the intended food source for bees….. HONEY! We understand that at times a hive needs to have more food resources but to keep it as pure as possible we never feed our bee’s sugar. The results end up being healthier, more productive bees while keeping the traces of sugar syrup out of their honey. Try finding a commercial apiary that say that, they are few and far between!
Treatment free- The bees have survived for many many years without chemicals and they still do not need them today! Our hives never receive any sort of treatment which results in a 100% unadulterated product. Most beekeepers treat their hives with chemicals in order to prevent diseases with some known to have negative effects on humans! In the process of treatments in some cases, a full chemical suit is needed when within 100 feet of the chemicals being applied. Guess where these chemicals end up…..
Don’t rob our bee’s needed food- Allowing the bees to keep what they worked so hard for is an important step that many beekeepers forget in their journey. We make every effort to leave our bees with the needed amounts and only take the true surplus honey that would eventually be neglected by the bees or consumed by other animals or insects.
Hives stay stationary- Our hives are placed permanently in our apiary, unlike commercial operations. Commercial operations are constantly moving causing stress and death to bees in the process while spreading potential diseases.
Great biodiversity in a remote location- Hidden Hollows resides in a remote location where we have planted several native pollinators (over 20 acres worth of more than 30 species on our site) and is home to a biodiversity environment that helps our bees thrive along with other important insects such as the monarch butterfly.
Humane methods- Commercial beekeeping oftentimes calls for culling, sugar feeding, using chemicals for treatments, constantly moving colonies long distances, and artificially inseminating queens. Here at Hidden Hollows, we respect the bees enough to know this is all unnatural and that bees should only need us in very, very limited situations that still can be of natural ways. Putting the bee’s health is of the utmost importance to us and while we look at innovative techniques, we avoid those that solely place production over anything else.
Raw straight from the hive- Our intention is to provide you with the purest honey we possibly can, the ways the bees made it centuries ago without us to get in their way!
Not Microfiltered or heated- The honey you receive from Hidden Hollows is not microfiltered or heated so that we can preserve those nutritious ingredients such as high pollen counts and propolis that raw honey is supposed to have.
Infused with organic ingredients- When we infuse our honey, we only use organic foods in our support for organic farming. We do all that we can to prevent pesticides from showing up in our honey which will forever be our battle.